When you join a retirement fund, you are required to complete a dependant and beneficiary nomination form.
Why is it important to complete a nomination form?
According to Section 37C of the Pension Funds Act, Trustees are required to decide how your benefits are distributed amongst your dependents and nominees by considering their financial dependency on the member as well as other relevant considerations.
This nomination form serves as an expression of your wishes and is a very important guideline to the Trustees in case of your death.
It is the duty of the Trustees to trace your dependants and nominated beneficiaries as well as to investigate their circumstances to make impartial and fair decisions regarding the distribution of your death benefit.
Make sure that you provide the correct contact details
The death benefit will only be paid to your beneficiaries once all these investigations are completed.
It is therefore crucial that you update your nomination form when and if your circumstances and wishes change.
Who can you nominate as your dependants?
- Your spouse
- Child of any age
- Anyone dependent on you for financial assistance or whom you have assisted financially in some way or another (Life-partners, nieces and grandparents etc.)
Have you informed your dependants?
In the event of your death, your dependants may need financial assistance and so the Trustees would want to pay your death benefits as soon as possible. Please make sure that your nominated beneficiaries have access to the necessary information to assist with the processing of your death benefit claim. They will need to:
- Contact your Employer
- Provide your Employer with details of those who were financially dependent on you
- Supply the required documents as advised by your Employer
- Stay in contact with your Employer to ensure that should additional information be required the Employer can get in touch with them.
Make it easy….
It is recommended that you arrange with one of your family members to be the main contact and to provide contact details to your Employer in the event of your death. Also ensure that this person is aware of who is financially dependent on you.
Are you a member of the CRF?
Please log on to the Fund’s website on www.crfund.co.za to make sure your beneficiaries are updated on your Fund records. If you need to make any changes, you can register on the member portal and update your beneficiaries or you can download a Beneficiary Nomination Form from the website to complete and submit to the Fund.